Forest Speaks Guided Meditation

art-journaling guided meditation journaling mindfulness Jul 22, 2023
LEAP Wellness
Forest Speaks Guided Meditation

Here you will find a guided meditation to take you on a journey through the forest. Once you have completed the meditation, I invite you to journal about what came up during the meditation. I like to journal after using guided meditations to help clarify what I visualized and anything that may have come to the surface during meditation (thoughts, feelings, memories, etc.) If you have time, you can also try some kind of art-making instead of a written journal; break out some art supplies and doodle/draw/paint or move your body in some kind of interpretive creative dance or gesture. After you've explored the images creatively, then you may want to explore with words.This could be a written journal response or a poem or short story -- whatever you feel inspired to do!

For this guided meditation, I recommend laying on your back (on a yoga mat or bed) but if you don’t have the room, a comfortable seated position is also fine.

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