The Power of Gratitude

creativity gratitude journaling Mar 06, 2023
LEAP Wellness
The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is the ability to recognize the good things, people, and places in our life. For example, if your friend goes out of their way to do something for you, you will likely feel grateful for them. 

It’s not always easy to be grateful for the things in our life. Sometimes life gets tough and we don't feel like there is anything to be grateful for or happy about. Sometimes we are busy and forget to recognize that there are indeed things to be thankful for.

While you may know that gratitude is important, you might not know that gratitude can have huge implications for your physical and mental health. Gratitude causes you to open up to others and to opportunities instead of focusing on yourself.

There have been many studies on the effects of gratitude and they confirm a few main effects:

  • Gratitude is a positive emotion, so it feels good to be grateful. Positive emotions like gratitude can also make you feel more open, creative, and energized.
  • Feeling grateful has been linked to physical health results such as lower blood pressure and stronger immune system functioning.
  • Because gratitude involves recognizing others for their kindness, feelings and expression of gratitude can help strengthen relationships.
  • Because of all of these factors, people who feel and express gratitude more often tend to feel happier overall.

For an example of the effects of gratitude, check out the video here.

Start a Gratitude Journal

The purpose of this exercise is to help you develop an awareness and a sense of peace that comes from being grateful for the little and big things in your life.  At the end of each day, just before bed, list 3 or more things for which you were grateful that day. The more precise you are, the better. For example, instead of simply saying “I’m grateful for my husband,” say “I’m grateful for the support my husband provides to me in my career.” Think about what you are grateful for in relation to the people, places and things in your life. Feel free to get creative and do your journal in the bulleting journal style or to draw/doodle, write poetry or any other creative outlet that expresses your gratitude.

5 good habits of gratitude:

  1. Stop. Take a break! You are going too fast. Take a moment to notice the good things in your life.
  2. Keep a gratitude journal. (As suggested above.)
  3. Say your gratitude out loud, spontaneously. 
  4. Don't wait for an opportunity to say "thank you" to the people around you.
  5. Learn to say "thank you" again for the little things in life.

In addition, take time this week to write a thank-you card to someone important in your life. It’s extra exciting if you can write it by hand and mail it to someone to let them know you are thinking of them and to go out of your way to be grateful for them. I have also included a 9 minute guided meditation to appreciate the little things in life -- enjoy!

Tips for Busy People

  • Choose one person and write them a quick note (email or text message will do) thanking them for something. It can be one reason why you are glad they are in your life or something they did for you recently. Not only will you spread joy, but you will likely feel good about their response. Have more time? Pick three people!
  • You don’t need to physically write down the things for which you are grateful -- simply listing them off mentally can have the same effect. Try doing this while you’re stuck in traffic or while you’re trying to fall asleep at night.

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