Mantra Meditation

affirmations meditation mindfulness Mar 01, 2024

Mantra meditation using mala beads can be especially useful for people who have difficulty focusing or who like fidgeting. It gives your hands something to do and your mind something to focus on which can help silence all those other thoughts and “to-do”s.

A mala, which means “garland” in Sanskrit, evokes a circular and continuous shape. Traditionally, malas come in the form of a chain of 108 beads (plus one for the “guru bead.”) In practice, a mala is the consecrated offering of repeated cycles (usually in divisors of 108) of mantra (japa.) A mala is used for counting when you repeat a mantra - much like the Catholic rosary.

As mala beads were traditionally created for use as a meditation tool, we like to associate it with the ideals of meditation. However, mala beads are also great mediums for setting intentions, manifesting, and generally feeling good.

Why 108 beads?

The number 108 has a range of importance in many different cultures and disciplines. 108 has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and yoga. For example, this number informs the construction of the sacred texts which are at the heart of yogic philosophy. There are 108 chapters of the Rig Veda, 108 Upanishads and 108 Primary Tantras. And these texts are written in Sanskrit, a language comprising 54 letters, each with a male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) form, 54 x 2 = 108.

Some believe that there are 108 stages in the journey of the human soul, while others associate the possibility of enlightenment with taking only 108 breaths a day, in deep meditation. No matter who you ask, the answer will likely be different each time. The truth is that the meaning of 108 beads on your mala is subject to interpretation.

You can buy mala beads or make your own! There are many tutorials and instructions available online. You can find one tutorial here. Alternatively, you can use a rosary if you have one or any string of beads or pearls.

How to use your malas for meditation

You can use your malas to meditate anytime, anywhere. First, select a mantra, intention, or prayer that you would like to repeat.

Find your mantra

The mantra meditation is the most common form of meditation throughout the world. You can focus on yourself or on others. There are many to choose from, in many languages. Before you begin, select a word or syllable that pleases you. Perhaps there’s a word that has special meaning for you such as “peace” or “love” -- something you may want to manifest in your life. Or you may use nonsense syllables, the sound of which you find pleasant. You could use the word “one” or many people prefer the mantra “om.”Pick the one that's right for you and go for it. Through your practice, your mala will become infused with the energy of your mantra. 

Example of intentions or statements:

  • I am calm in all situations
  • I have a perfect job for me now
  • I have a perfect partner for me now
  • I'm always in the right place at the right time
  • I'm confident
  • I am creative

How to use the mala beads (or other beads or rosary) for meditation:

  1. Pick a spot and sit comfortably with your spine straight and your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and align with your intention or mantra.
  2. Hold your mala in your right hand, draped between your middle finger and index finger. Starting with the Guru bead, use your thumb and middle finger to count each small bead, pulling it toward you as you recite your mantra.
  3. Do this 108 times while walking through the mala, until you reach the Guru bead again.
  4. If you want to continue the meditation, instead of going over the Guru bead, just reverse the direction and start over.

Tips for Busy People

  • Don’t have mala beads (or other prayer beads) or time to buy or make them? You can use a string of pearls or beads of any length.
  • Or you can simply use your fingers. Touch your thumb to each finger individually, as you chant your mantra in your mind (thumb to forefinger, thumb to middle finger, thumb to ring finger, thumb to baby finger, then repeat with the other hand). You can repeat this 27 times to reach 108, or as many times as you need to feel relaxed and to integrate the message.
  • Take your beads with you on the go! (Or use your fingers.) This is a great practice while you’re sitting on the bus or subway or simply taking a few minutes to practice during a break at work.

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