Creating your Vision Board

intention setting visualization Jan 01, 2023

Once you know your intention; what you want to manifest, it's time to solidify the idea in your mind. You can use a vision board to visualize the end result of achieving your goals. Some call them a collage of your dreams, but it's commonly referred to as a vision board. This powerful visualization tool refers to any type of board containing a collage of words and images representing your dreams and goals.

Imagine what your life is like. Imagine what your new daily schedule would be like. Imagine the people around you. Imagine how you will feel. Imagine the types of things you are going to do.

  1. Be clear about your intentions: Focus on what you want and need from your vision board. Go back to how you want to feel and what images pop up in your mind’s eye as you focus on what you’d like to manifest.
  2. Gather your materials: Go through the magazines and start tearing and cutting out different pictures, words and phrases that speak to you and represent the vision you have for your life and your future.
  3. Organize your board: Put pictures and words that evoke feelings on your page. Your images shouldn't make you try to compare your life to someone else's or it won't work. They need to inspire. You can also use a marker to write in words you’d like to add or if you’re feeling artistic, draw in some of your own original drawings. The great thing about these boards is that they're so simple and there really isn't a wrong way to create a vision board, as long as you have the right intentions with your creation.
  4. Once complete, place your vision board where you will see it often. Take a few moments a day to gaze at it and focus on the feeling of your intentions coming true.

Alternative: This can be done electronically using images from the internet and drawing in inspiring words and phrases. You can use “Google Draw” or “PowerPoint” or even “Paint” to put your collage together and then either print it or post it as your desktop image so that you see it often.

Feng Shui your Vision Board for an extra boost!

Affirmations, visualizations, and positive thinking can all help you change your life for the better; however, there are ways to optimize vision boards by incorporating Feng Shui. Feng Shui can enhance the law of attraction that already makes vision boards work and help you achieve your goals in ways you never thought possible.

Many people think of Feng Shui as just furniture arrangement, but it has a much deeper power. Feng Shui was developed over 4,000 years ago in China and comes from the Taoist understanding that there is “Chi,” or energy, in every object. One of the guiding principles of this practice is that there is no separation between us as humans and our environment; we are connected to the spaces we inhabit (also a principle of forest bathing, ecotherapy and nature-based therapy!) Feng Shui, in practice, comes down to arranging objects in a particular environment to create harmony, balance and good energy and to promote health, happiness and abundance.

The Bagua is also known as the Feng Shui grid, and many use it to analyze a space in their home or work. You can use the Bagua as a map of where to place objectives and images on different areas of your vision board.

A few closing tips…

  • Once you have your vision board, put it somewhere so it can be a constant reminder of what you are working towards in your life.
  • Be present in your life: The most important thing that prevents people from attracting their dreams is worrying about their past or their future. Focus on where you are. Pay attention to the things around you and try to notice when the stepping stone to your desire is near.
  • Appreciate this moment: it can sometimes be difficult to achieve your goals - that's a good thing. Praise yourself for taking time for yourself, working on what you want, or trying something new. As you start making accomplishments toward your goals, don't forget to take a minute to celebrate.

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