New Moon Intention Setting

goals intention setting mindfulness new moon visualization Feb 03, 2022

Last night was the last day of the New Moon – the perfect time for setting intentions to manifest goals. While the full moon is a great time for letting go and releasing that which does not serve you, the new moon is an invitation to start fresh, call in intentions, and set the tone for the next cycle. The energy from the New Moon is a great time to set goals, start something new and reflect on the past moon cycle.

Setting solid intentions and asking the universe for what you want can be a very powerful practice. Combine that with the clean slate of the new moon and you have a potent recipe for creating the vision you most desire. During the New Moon our creativity, intention setting ability, and positive energy are at its highest and that’s why it is the best time to take advantage of it. The New Moon is the perfect time to recalibrate your energy for the upcoming moon cycle and to bring to fruition the dreams you long to make reality. Even if you don’t follow the cycle of the moon, it’s likely that during the days before and after a new moon, you’re craving something new. This is because, as humans, we are affected deeply by the lunar phases – which makes sense if you consider that we are made of approximately ⅔ water and that the moon has the power to affect the oceans – so why not humans too?!? 

Either way, no matter if you have a belief in the moon’s ability to affect you, the new moon acts as a reminder to sit back, reflect and set intentions, all of which are good for the soul. It offers an ideal time to take stock of our life, think about how we feel about the present, and what we want to see in our future.

While setting intentions can be as simple as sitting down and writing them out, many believe in the power that comes from having a New Moon ceremony, which you can do monthly as a ritual. Having a ritual that you perform can enhance your overall experience and may help you to feel a deeper connection to yourself and perhaps to a higher power or universal energy.

Most sources recommend starting your ritual by creating and clearing a sacred space. I did this by burning sage and Palo Santo in my pot to help clear the energy around me and make space for change and my intentions. Other things you can use are essential oils to cleanse and infuse the air, shells, rocks, crystals, flowers or branches, candles, plants, singing bowls, or photographs to help you visualize to set up the area. As we chose to burn outside, we didn’t set up any special rocks or crystals – but we did carry our protection stones with us as we did this.

Prepare your body. Bathe or shower to clear your body – you may want to try the Ultimate Bath Kit or the Epic Shower Kit from our friends at Voda to help set this part of the ritual. It’s also important to move your body (aka part of your energetic space) to help clear it from negativity and allow you to truly let go. It’s much easier to call in manifestations and set intentions when you have let go and surrendered – moving your body allows you to do just that. All you have to do is move your body however you are feeling called to… put on some music, close your eyes and let your body just do its thing for about five minutes. Or you can check out our mindful movement practice to Clear Energy and Negativity on the blog.

Follow this by taking a few moments for mindful meditation (not sure how? Check out our online course offerings for ways to integrate mindfulness and meditation in your life!) Take a deep breath and turn inward for at least a few minutes before you start your intention setting ceremony. Sit still, look inward and try to set your mind still. This is an important aspect to “tap into” your innermost desires and prioritize what you want to set as your intentions.

Then start writing your intentions – be as specific as possible. The more specific with your intentions and desires you are – the better. Go into details, describe them and make sure you truly believe them to be real and achievable. You must believe it as if you don’t – you won’t be able to manifest it. Even though it’s important to be specific, it’s also important to give the universe some space to decide what’s going to work out best for you – it’s not always what you specifically think you need! For example,  instead of saying “I want to get the X job at the X company” try – “I want to get a fulfilling job at a company that is supportive”. Or don’t say “I want the X man and the X man only”, but go with “I want a man that is loving and on the same life path as me”. 

Something else you can try is making Moon Water: Moon water is exactly what it sounds like, water that has been energetically charged by the moon. You can set out a container of water outside or on your porch (I used a mason jar) so that it can soak up the energy from the moon. You can combine this with meditation if you want, but the important thing is to sit with your intention for a few minutes to program the water.

Once you are done, sit for a few minutes and feel a positive energy surrounding the intentions. Try to visualize your intentions coming true. If you are doing this in a group and feel comfortable – you can share the intentions amongst each other. Sometimes hearing the words out loud can be powerful, but this step is not necessary. I then take a picture of my intentions (so I can look back on them) and then burn them with the sage and

Last night was the last day of the New Moon – the perfect time for setting intentions to manifest goals. While the full moon is a great time for letting go and releasing that which does not serve you, the new moon is an invitation to start fresh, call in intentions, and set the tone for the next cycle. The energy from the New Moon is a great time to set goals, start something new and reflect on the past moon cycle.

 Setting solid intentions and asking the universe for what you want can be a very powerful practice. Combine that with the clean slate of the new moon and you have a potent recipe for creating the vision you most desire. During the New Moon our creativity, intention setting ability, and positive energy are at its highest and that’s why it is the best time to take advantage of it. The New Moon is the perfect time to recalibrate your energy for the upcoming moon cycle and to bring to fruition the dreams you long to make reality. Even if you don’t follow the cycle of the moon, it’s likely that during the days before and after a new moon, you’re craving something new. This is because, as humans, we are affected deeply by the lunar phases – which makes sense if you consider that we are made of approximately ⅔ water and that the moon has the power to affect the oceans – so why not humans too?!? 

 Either way, no matter if you have a belief in the moon’s ability to affect you, the new moon acts as a reminder to sit back, reflect and set intentions, all of which are good for the soul. It offers an ideal time to take stock of our life, think about how we feel about the present, and what we want to see in our future.

 While setting intentions can be as simple as sitting down and writing them out, many believe in the power that comes from having a New Moon ceremony, which you can do monthly as a ritual. Having a ritual that you perform can enhance your overall experience and may help you to feel a deeper connection to yourself and perhaps to a higher power or universal energy.

 Most sources recommend starting your ritual by creating and clearing a sacred space. I did this by burning sage and Palo Santo in my pot to help clear the energy around me and make space for change and my intentions. Other things you can use are essential oils to cleanse and infuse the air, shells, rocks, crystals, flowers or branches, candles, plants, singing bowls, or photographs to help you visualize to set up the area. As we chose to burn outside, we didn’t set up any special rocks or crystals – but we did carry our protection stones with us as we did this.

 Prepare your body. Bathe or shower to clear your body – you may want to try the Ultimate Bath Kit or the Epic Shower Kit from our friends at Voda to help set this part of the ritual. It’s also important to move your body (aka part of your energetic space) to help clear it from negativity and allow you to truly let go. It’s much easier to call in manifestations and set intentions when you have let go and surrendered – moving your body allows you to do just that. All you have to do is move your body however you are feeling called to… put on some music, close your eyes and let your body just do its thing for about five minutes. 

 Follow this by taking a few moments for mindful meditation (not sure how? Check out our online course offerings for ways to integrate mindfulness and meditation in your life!) Take a deep breath and turn inward for at least a few minutes before you start your intention setting ceremony. Sit still, look inward and try to set your mind still. This is an important aspect to “tap into” your innermost desires and prioritize what you want to set as your intentions.

 Then start writing your intentions – be as specific as possible. The more specific with your intentions and desires you are – the better. Go into details, describe them and make sure you truly believe them to be real and achievable. You must believe it as if you don’t – you won’t be able to manifest it. Even though it’s important to be specific, it’s also important to give the universe some space to decide what’s going to work out best for you – it’s not always what you specifically think you need! For example,  instead of saying “I want to get the X job at the X company” try – “I want to get a fulfilling job at a company that is supportive”. Or don’t say “I want the X man and the X man only”, but go with “I want a man that is loving and on the same life path as me”. 

 Something else you can try is making Moon Water: Moon water is exactly what it sounds like, water that has been energetically charged by the moon. You can set out a container of water outside or on your porch (I used a mason jar) so that it can soak up the energy from the moon. You can combine this with meditation if you want, but the important thing is to sit with your intention for a few minutes to program the water.

 Once you are done, sit for a few minutes and feel a positive energy surrounding the intentions. Try to visualize your intentions coming true. If you are doing this in a group and feel comfortable – you can share the intentions amongst each other. Sometimes hearing the words out loud can be powerful, but this step is not necessary. I then take a picture of my intentions (so I can look back on them) and then burn them with the sage and Palo Santo to help release them to the universe.

 Although we are trusting the universe to help us bring our dreams to life, don’t forget that you need to also put the intention into action. No matter that the energy of the New Moon is in your favor, if you only put your wishes out there, but are doing absolutely nothing to achieve them this all will be pointless. If you wish for a new job, start sending out resumes; if you wish for better health, go to that yoga class. The energy and the universe is there to support and guide you, but not to do all the work for you.

Although we are trusting the universe to help us bring our dreams to life, don’t forget that you need to also put the intention into action. No matter that the energy of the New Moon is in your favor, if you only put your wishes out there, but are doing absolutely nothing to achieve them this all will be pointless. If you wish for a new job, start sending out resumes; if you wish for better health, go to that yoga class. The energy and the universe is there to support and guide you, but not to do all the work for you.

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