
art-journaling breathe creativity guided meditation mindfulness Feb 23, 2022
LEAP Wellness

Art-journaling is a therapeutic activity that relies on the use of art supplies and techniques without the necessary pressure of a perfect result. Similar to a written journal, an art journal is a place to record your thoughts, memories, and emotions, except that it incorporates colors, images, patterns (drawing, mark-making, writing, painting, and collage), in addition to writing. Depending upon the person, some art journals have a lot of writing, while others are purely filled with images.

Art journals have long been recognized within creative therapy approaches to reduce stress, encourage creativity, and to problem-solve. The main focus of the art journal is the process as a form of creative self-care. Art journaling allows us access to new knowledge and understanding about our feelings and the type of person that we are. It creates a deeper sense of self-awareness, empowers us, inspires us, encourages us, and can move us in powerful ways. 

An art journal can also serve as a way to discover (or rediscover) the joy of creating for the sake of creating, rather than to produce a “product”. It is a dedicated space for playful explorations and experiments that will fuel your creativity. 

Combining art with keeping a journal doesn't have to be complicated, by taking time to art journal (just 15 minutes a day or even just an hour a week) your life will be enriched abundantly. Regardless of whether or not you have any art “talent” or training, all you need for an art journal is some simple art materials and a willingness to play with the art materials. It’s the play that is healing! 

The beauty of an art journal is that anything goes – a space where you can openly express and explore your feelings through images, writing, and just playful mark making.

Why Art Journal?

A few of the many benefits of art journaling:

  • Reduces stress: by getting the chaos inside our heads down on paper
  • "Right-brain" practice: where creativity reigns supreme and problems are more easily solved.
  • Visualizing our thoughts: helping us gain instant insight as to what we need to do to move forward in a particular situation.
  •  Learn to enjoy the process of creativity instead of stressing over the outcome.

 BUT I'm not an artist! 

(Oh, but you are!)

Everyone has creative energy just waiting for permission to be used! Just light most activities, creativity is a muscle that needs to be flexed and used to grow and flourish to its full potential. Deep down inside, there is an artist just waiting to come out and play – so let them out! Art journaling is not about creating artwork that will be showcased in a gallery. This is purely for you to explore more about yourself and the world around you. It is learning to enjoy the process of creativity and not being fixed on the end results.

I have included a podcast with a guided visualization to give you a sample of what guided art-journaling is like. 

  1. Prepare your art materials.
  2. Listen to the guided visualization.
  3. Create for as little or as long as you wish.
  4. Gaze at your work and reflect on what you think it is trying to communicate to you.
  5. Optional: Write a written reflection about your experience and any answers to the questions or prompt that have come up for you.

So put aside your doubts, give this practice and try and start CREATING!

Interested in more like this? Check out the Art-Journaling course on our store.

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